Tribute Poem by Joe Fraccalvieri


Rating: 5.0

Attention, fallen soldiers...
Arise, and fall in place
Your work on earth is finished...
No need to capture, challenge, or chase

You've defended friend and family...
Safe, are your daughters and sons
You've laid down your lives for husbands and wives...
Now it's time to lay down your guns

You've done well to keep the gates of hell from opening too wide,
for man was never intended, to dwell where demons abide
And though from you, the world will hide-- come…
Stay by my side
and know it's true when I say to you
that you fill my soul with pride

Yes-- I have been through hell as well--
through battles lost and won
I was the one ringing freedom's bell,
who never once carried a gun
Yet together, we forged a victory--
sending the enemy on the run

I was there through blood and tears,
amid your cries of woe...
I was the one who urged you on,
when your peers would tell you, "Don't go! "
I was the one you leaned upon
when your fears kept your spirits low

And so, my friend, it's now the end
as though you didn't know--
I am he, for whom you died,
when you fought our common foe

And with every step you took in war...
With every move you made…
I helped your efforts, and so much more--
when you were hurt, I brought you aid...
I rubbed your shoulders when you were sore...
I held you, when you were afraid

With every quest... With every test...
I heard every prayer you prayed
You did your best-- it's time to rest.
My commands you have obeyed

Walk with me now, to the kingdom of God…
Through the halls of heaven, parade
Leave your pain, and your sorrow, and your anger behind...
Your debt on earth is paid.

Joe Fraccalvieri 29 January 2022

Thank you sir. It takes a person of faith to make such a comment... Because of this, I appreciate your comment even more!

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