Tribute To My Grand Mother: Madame Sarah Etim Ekpo Poem by Iquo Umoh

Tribute To My Grand Mother: Madame Sarah Etim Ekpo

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You are my inspiration.
You were a woman of worth and substance.
You did not have the wealth of the world to give,
But you had the wealth of wisdom and knowledge,
You shared with me and all around you.

I learnt to be content with the little I had
You taught so me well now I am adept
You were the epitome to tidiness and cleanliness
From your humble abode I learnt and grew
You taught me how to be a woman indeed
Of principles and how to hold my head in pride

You were strict yet so gentle
Very disciplined and sometimes too difficult
Yet you did all in love and cherished peace in all
You taught me how to cook
And how to be a great hostess
You taught me how to love unconditionally

You taught me how to be strong
In the face of dire difficulties
You were stronger even at death's visit
You taught me how to be a nourisher of life
You nourished mine and so I did likewise
Yes you were a living example

O Mma you taught me so many things
Words alone cannot express them all.
I remember you and every gesture you made
I remember the words you spoke
I remember the twinkle in your eyes
I remember the voice you had
That showed the strength of life within

Never will you be forgotten
You live on through your descendants
In the eyes of God you are perfect
However imperfect you may have been;
And who has not made mistakes
We all do make them in life.

You are fondly remembered
And like a treasure within
You are rare, you are special
I will miss you much more than I do now
But I know we will meet again in Heaven with God
That was the faith we both shared.
I love you my dear Mma Se
Sanga sung O

Dedicated to my grandmother who died on Saturday 9th June 2012
Joseph Poewhit 11 June 2012

That is one beautiful tribute

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Iquo Umoh

Iquo Umoh

Lagos, Nigeria.
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