True Happiness Poem by Bailey Schatte

True Happiness

Lost in a world of magnificence,
Surrounded by beauty,
I see what I am destined to love.

She seems so far away,
Yet so close;
Every breath I take becomes shorter,
And my heart feels as if it's beating a million beats a minute;

With goal in sight,
I take a deep breath and walk,
Walk down the pathway of affection;
Each second is another step closer,
And the feeling of being nervous begins to set it.

Now seconds away from being complete,
Butterflies fill my stomach,
Everything seems perfect,
Almost like it was fate,
Everything was lining up flawlessly.

Oh no,
Something is happening,
Everything is changing,
The beauty of the pathway disappears,
All things vanishing,
It was all a lie,
My world is coming to an end,
I begin to walk faster,
I begin to run,
For she is leaving,
She has left the pathway,
She is no longer in sight,
I fall to the ground in despair,
Everything seems as if it's a horrible nightmare,
But no,
Everything that I have just witnessed happened,
It was all real,
And nothing was false,
The perfection of my life seemed so close,
But now all hope is gone,
The worst has indeed happened,
I have lost her.

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