Truth To Dispute It Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

Truth To Dispute It

Suddenly there are those,
Lowering their turned up noses.
Offended by lies.
To them from podiums and pulpits told.
Exposing a pretense,
Of being insulted and outraged.
With this to have been done to others,
Less impressive to exclude.
Had been perfectly okay.
With a giving of their approval to do.

Today that pendulum,
Has begun to swing to head their way.
Dismissing the pain and the agony,
The truth to them pursues.
With a declaring themselves to be 'sickened'.
Declaring themselves to feel betrayed.
Declaring their leaders to have been dishonest.
And corrupted in the most despicable ways.

The question they should ask of themselves,
Is this...
With that honesty and truth,
They proclaim with them to always exist.
Why is it...
If truth and honesty is that sacred to them.
They can turn their backs with raised noses,
On those who have lived their lives...
Knowing the truth of who has on them lied.
Suffering through,
Being disparaged, mistreated and disenfranchised.
Why is it 'this' truth,
Continues to be despised.
With few attempting to have this reality exposed.
Are shown less a priority.
When there has been a truth to dispute it.
But now with it done,
On others to not expect or accept it...
Suddenly they seem to be awakened,
By lies to them sold...
They have begun to disbelieve,
Themselves to be the ones dupe and victimized.
By those they had entrusted,
Would never do such a thing to them.
Those with hearts,
Kept faithfully devoted...
To denial and delusion.

"How could they dare do this to us."

The hungry, homeless, disenfranchised.
Immigrants and others,
Shown our bigotry and hatred towards them? -

That was yesterday's news.
I wish I had shown those folks,
Much more empathy than I displayed."

-You know what they say the meek will inherit? -

Fresh baked cake."

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