‘' Try Looking At What They Are Now ‘' Poem by Bri Mar

‘' Try Looking At What They Are Now ‘'

I've made many a mistake; I'll probably make more,
Perfection I'm afraid doesn't exist,
Learning from those errors should be to the fore,
If you fail don't give in but persist.

You can always pull yourself back from the brink,
All it takes is the mind and the will,
With effort you can do much more than you think,
Belief in yourself you can instill.

Never judge others without looking at yourself,
Arrogance can and will destroy,
Conceit is a poison you should leave on the shelf,
Hypocrisy you should never deploy.

Those who lay claim to having never erred,
Have memories that are very selective,
A polygraph test would soon have them snared,
As would a good private detective.

Don't base opinions on what you think you know?
It's on fact your thoughts should be based,
There are errors made we can and must forego,
Never make judgements in haste.

Are you that perfect that you can condemn another?
So innocent you can the first stone,
Look in the mirror does your ignorance smother,
The fact is it could be one of your own.

Don't always judge others on past mistakes,
Forgiveness is what we need to endow,
A true friend a good person never forsakes,

‘' Try Looking At What They Are Now ‘'

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