Turning Time Poem by nick trager

Turning Time

I once was young but now I am old
But when I was young
You should have saw me grow
Now I am a 60 and not 15
Now stuck in this old rocking chair you see
Watching waiting to the day I have to suffer no more
And leave this cursed chair and play as I did before
As I look back in my tracks of youth and how
I came to be where I am today
When I learned to drive for the very first time
Giving my mom and dad the heart attack of their lives
Then learning the quadratic equation of girls
Later the stinging cuts of learning to shave
Then going off to collage and getting my professional degrees
Then working through out most of my life
In my despite I found a love of my busy life
I was learning about her and she with me
Then I had a date with her you see
When time went on with us we got married
Then later I had a son and not a girl as my wife wanted it to be
Now teaching him
The rights from the wrongs
Of what society thought was right but we knew was wrong
So now that he’s grown and I am now old
Now my life has calmed down to were
I can finally get to that book I always wanted to read
But as you see I died and went to heaven
Yippy for me now I get to be with God for entirety

nick trager

nick trager

hinsdale hospital
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