Two Young Derry Martyrs Poem by Liam ó Comáin

Two Young Derry Martyrs

(To the memory of Michael Divine and Patsy O’Hara who died on hunger strike seeking political status as prisoners of war.)

Tell me why people are gathering in Derry's little streets?
What is their conversation as solemnly they meet?
Why are the shops closed in the drizzling rain?
Break the news, break it softly, there are martyrs coming home.

It was not the field of battle both willing to face with pride
Where the sounds of guns rattle where our martyred heroes died
But in the dreaded H - blocks they found an early tomb
With the bravery of Cu Chulainn two young Derry lads went home.

Hear the march of our people with faces sad and pale,
Hear the steady foot and the solemn and the piper's plaintive wail,
Hoist the Tri- colour to half-mast above the muffled drum
For the gloom around is now cast our martyrs are coming home.

Make their graves upon the hilltop where they played in days gone by
Fire a volley oe'r the graveside where our martyred soldiers lie
And let's not forget their sacrifice- for us they stood alone-
Bravely serving the noble cause of Theobald Wolfe Tone.

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