Undying Love Poem by Jenish Kiddinar

Undying Love

Rating: 1.0

To me you were a vast treasure
From the time we first met with your strong gleaming eyes
I knew it was love from first sight
Your appealing smile, your elegant wavy hair, your glistening eyes
It’s as if you found the key to unlock my heart
Days past and it’s already been six months since we've known each other
Every moment we spent together draws us closer and closer
Where our souls touch and become one
To see your smile is like heavens grace
To be with you is like a wish
Without you, I’m a soulless mate
I love you more than anything in this world
It’s been three weeks I've not seen you
The pain that inflicts on me is like a knife being jabbed into my heart
I wish I can hold you in my arms, holding you tight
And live a beautiful life forever
But everything shattered like a mirror
When I got the call to attend to your funeral....
I now was a broken glass in pieces...
Yet, I attended just to see her face one last time...
It was incredible
Her face was pale white, veins transparent, death being certain
There’s nothing more heartbreaking than seeing my angel in that state
Seeing a dove being buried in a pile of filth...
There’s nothing to live for...
Life will not be the same anymore...
I look at the sky, screaming to the so called “Divine God”
I walked away with tears as they buried her
I ached to see her alluring smile
Walking down the street not aware of my surroundings
In a flash,
I’m on my back in the middle of the road, red seeping through my shirt that once was white
I don’t feel the pain...
Soon I’ll be with my angel
And forever we shall fly

Friday, April 11, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: love hurts
Sssss&moe Moe2 24 August 2024

If I could give this 0 stars I would. The worst piece of I've ever read.

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