Vampires Of The Night - Pt.2 Poem by Philip St. Cyr

Vampires Of The Night - Pt.2

The males sing a song as the females are silent
they can smell the sweat dripping from warm flesh
it calls out to them and they cannot resist
At the dawn of each day they vanish into dark crevices
as if buried in coffins, they lay in hibernation
biding their time until the moon rises in the evening sky
Instinctively, clouds and rain and the rain are somehow their forte
In the heat of a sunlit day, however, they dare not emerge
but on rare an occasion,
though no one really knows just what draws them out
They are not day walkers, but predators of the night
who stalk their prey as they camouflage with the shade of night
then become ghosts at the eve of daybreak
These are mysterious creatures possessing an otherworldly stature
as they fly through the darkness partaking of both man and beast
These winged parasitic creatures have many an enemy
as reptiles, amphibians, and arachnids gawk at a chance to devour them
But their greatest enemy lies most often in their very own prey;
for man kind has longed for their irradiation,
since the birth of widespread diseases
But they adapt while becoming immune to threats,
as they continue to amass armies in vast numbers
through massive reproduction
while endangering the well-being of life in multiple regions of the world
These are greedy and determined creatures,
who live merely to fulfill their one craving
are just watching watching and waiting for another nightfall.

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