Visitor Poem by Ella Goodman


Aww I cried frightened by his sight,
My visitor number may be thirty five,
All night and day they pour in high,
From God knows where they just creep by.
What enormous hands and eyes!
Blazing bright they stare all height.

Oh! Where have I landed... I often sigh,
Among the crawling citizens that here lie,
Its Amazon's lap or heart of African rain forest?
I do not know....
Strange species of life never fail to show
Where ever I turn my head,
Greeted am I with their vibrant spread.
They climb and crawl on all my wares,
No shame or fear they seem to converse,
In casual gait they walk about,
No regret they know to intrude my little house.
Some are lousy, some are fast,
Some seems a great servile curse.
Some are  shaded, some sprayed like dust,
Some sport a jet black velvety crust.

Black and white, yellow and light,
Of varied, shapes, size and height,
Some with antennas long as night,
Peep with gaze transfixed on my poor plight
Each day I battle with their flight,
Night and day I fight their immigration right.

From across which border they perch alight, ?
Oh! ! Heaven's please show some respite,
Your creations great, wonder filled,
Varied traits and grandness drilled,
All doth hold divine right,
To trade your world in free kite,
I humbly acknowledge Your send of life,
All creatures small or great, pale or bright
But then again, I scare their footfall,
That is how You dressed my foil.

Their unhindered walk on my humble walls,
Strolling across all length in uncanny calls,
Staring as if to devour my flesh,
Build in me a sense to fled,
And all the while I conjure my thoughts,
To escape from this fortified insect strewn world.

These little array of varied secular lot,
At times they seem pretty when pensive are my thoughts,
What is it they want to say? , I think a while as I lay,
Perhaps they pity my solitude, away from home,
In lonely woods. Perhaps they walk to pay me a visit,
To cheer my soul when bore I feel.
An unknown language I fail to read,
That is what fear of them in me breed,
If I could only read they minds,
Great friends and pals I could find,
But alas! Their words I can decipher not,
Thus in my mind their dread knot.
My humble visitors of day night,
It is thus best you mix with your kind,
Appreciate I though your purest feel,
My days of solitude is just a beginning.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: solitude
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