Waiting Poem by Oyekake Satty (O S) Joshua - Amopho


You go through the brutal practices
You work your muscles into shape
You go over the playbook regularly
You master the plays and ready to go
But you sit on the bench disconcerted
Wondering why you are passed-over

Yet you show up each practice ready
With the same fiery passion and zeal
You hone your craft over and over
The coach knows how good you are
He works you hard every practice
But your number is still not called

As a good athlete you show up duly
A beast in the practice field you are
Your teammates feed off your energy
Your fierceness at the pitch legendry
You wonder why you sit on the bench
But your team continues their winning

And another game, a difficult opponent
And this championship game is brutal
Your team lacks the energy to push on
And defeat now seems sure and certain
Your team is down and demoralized
And the coach now calls your number

Whispers the familiar plays to your ears
And sends you into the game confident
You’re now back in the playground role
Your intensity rekindles your teammates
Your fiery spirit now takes over the game
Your opponent now cannot match up

Your team is victorious once again
And the game ball is handed to you
The coach whispers again to your ear
“You are the ace in the hole you know
I trained you all along for this game”
You realized the waiting was worth it
As your teammates hoist you in the air

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