We Need More Love Poem by Francis Duggan

We Need More Love

We need more love and understanding and love of our god within
Than love of this invisible god who stirs the wrath in men
So much suspicion and mistrust and so much hatred has grown
Between people over this god we have never met or known.

Why because of god people feel such hatred that leads to disharmony
Is something that to understand seems far too big for me
Perhaps their gods if they exist are looking on in shame
At their so called devotees who wage war in their name.

By trying to destroy Mother Earth our own selves we destroy
And when men who wage war for god dropp their bombs of poison
from the sky
They give rise to widespread suffering and famine and disease
And death through radiation is blowing in the breeze.

Man's inhumanity to man one might say World-wide
And far too many beautiful Countries by bombs have been destroyed
And wars and rumours of more wars give rise to more unease
And millions of once happy people have become refugees.

That men wage war in the name of god seems puzzling to me
But more love and understanding would lead to harmony
And I can only live in hope that I will live to see
A World that's free of war and suffering and man's inhumanity.

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