We Were Never One Poem by don't ever ask

We Were Never One

Rating: 5.0

what i though was wrong,
what i felt was mishandled,
i've been fooling myself.
The veil has finally fallen,
now it's all transparent.
We were never one,
you want your own life.
My feeling can't be shared,
you take it as if I were attacking you.
I know i'm no Helen of troy,
i know men would not die for me,
nor do i want them to.
What is it that i want?
I want you to understand me,
to hold me tight whenever i feel heavy-hearted,
To kiss my lips when i need you to.
I need you, is it too difficult to understand?
You think i don't trust,
you're wrong,
I only fear,
I only dread...
I'm constantly afraid of not fitting into your world,
And my fears have come true.
Sometimes you hide me,
somehow you conceal my existance,
and then... you lie to me,
Aren't I important to you?
Yes, you say...
but it's only when i'm at your side,
when you're alone,
do you care at all?
You don't trust my feelings towards you...
they don't matter to you at all
You say i'm crazy,
i'm not,
i've only realized,
you have a life of your own...
so go and live your life,
I'll take mine.

Ivy Christou 18 February 2006

the flow in this is not great, it has some cliches but somehow it zincs and somehow this the poem were you have made me understand more what you actually feel. Great poem and heartfelt HBH

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