What Is Love? Poem by Ayano Mai

What Is Love?

What is love? For some, a feeling ne'er felt.
Others would hesitate not to throw life
And happiness away. Is love not such?
A bringer of both life and death, of such
Golden light and dark night it passes through.

Evil, jealousy, spite, are these not brought?
By love, a double-edged sword piercing through
Countless hearts later turned black and hateful.

Yet still happiness, laughter, joy, are these
Not brought too? The savior of many souls,
The light piercing through the darkness of Hell.

Why? Why does it torment us so? With such
Bittersweet words, it washes over us
With such o'er-flowing feelings it courses
Through us. Dredging up unknown feelings, yes,
Such is the course of love as it passes.

A gamble with the gods themselves, with its
Twists and turns; a dangerous game to play
With the goddess of love, Aphrodite.

Veiled with light, and cloaked with darkness she comes.
With a likeness of both the sun and moon
She comes. Inescapable in her touch.

Like a rose in its beauty, with its thorns
Hidden from sight until pricked. Dark and light,
O, hateful love! Both harmful and needed,
Ever-changing yet constant. What is love?
Far from our grasp, ever allusive, love.

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