When All Friends Are Awake But I Sleep Poem by Not A Dream Choice

When All Friends Are Awake But I Sleep

When all friends are awake and I sleep
I feel so down, down, like nobody care about me
When all friends are awake and too busy to speak
I feel Im nothing, that only I have nothing

So I pretend I do something and stop to talk
Turning some new worthless music
Dreaming someone will call
But if someone would call and begging to me to come home

My heart, I know I would be weak
Because people have killed me every day
People kill me every day
When all friends are awake and I sleep

And we decided to do something to it break
But my heart could not get the mood
And when all friends go home
And sweet talking with people they love

Im sitting outside, in the cold wind
Frost-bitted kisses she give
Im sitting there, in the dirty rain
With no doors open for me tonight

And my eyes feel so foggy
After looking on every letter to no one I got
And I feel I could call, but I feel too down
When all friends are awake and I sleep

I feel, I cant help what I feel
And I feel she not care about me
When only I call alltime, but dont know what to say
When all friends are awake and I sleep

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