When Disturbed- Become Disturbed... Poem by Iam Kandayia @JagudEye Ali

When Disturbed- Become Disturbed...

My middle finger has the same authority as my pointer finger, I can pinky swear, and wear it on my ring finger. I can thumbs up, thumbs down, either way that's cool. I can ball them into a mighty fist, and get to correcting that fool... I can relax a bit, slap a bit, when it comes to the competition. Put on baby powder, make the slaps louder- for trying to disrespect my life's mission.

I can do them all, one or two, even one will work. So, come correct when you step to me, f#@k around and get your feelings hurt...

People should really mind their business. Now bare witness to my growth. My loyalty to my legacy, to the Heavens I made an oath. The crown's heavy, but I wear it. Pick up my cross- on my back, I carry the strength of my tribe. I stand in front of you, spitting truth - screw empty promises and bribes.

People will always go hard for what looks good, not the long term investment. Then get stuck with karmic events, filled with resentment. You didn't even believe in you- rather have them lie to you. Is that what gets clout now-a-days? If so, then believe what the hell they say.

It's vital that you listen. I've been permission- to shine the light in dark places with this 'saber- vision'. I go hard, when provoked. Let me calm down a lil bit. I was chillin' in my zone, living in peace-- you had to mess with it. Not only mess with me. You came for my family. Now, you're f#@kin' round, and finding out that you barked up the wrong tree.

I don't think they knew, you should have told them, man. Hell's fury, warrior, purple flaming hands. Born leader, naturally. My self- I gotta be. Don't go along to get along. That would be the death of me.

When you played in something sinister and dark. Gave a Minister her spark, and like Noah, I'm busy building that ark. As long as I pay homage to my Ancestors and yours, while moving with integrity- you can't handle the force. She's a Jedi knight, turning on the lights. Watch me glow up. Words hit like ocean waves, during a hurricane. You should have never touched my cup...

Now, you're running over, trampling each other to get up out of the way. You should have left ole' girl alone. Quiet people, once disturbed- about our peace-- we don't play...

When Disturbed- Become Disturbed...
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