When It's Up It's Up.. Poem by Butterflies In My Belly Forever

When It's Up It's Up..

Rating: 5.0

And when it's down it's down.
I can't seem to get off this merry-go-round.
One day there are smiles with treasures of bliss.
The next I am saying 'What the hell is this'?
My body fights against me and yet my will is strong,
Then they switch places and Life sings her song.

I have the sweetest of touches in the hugs of my child,
When our day is done, I think for a while.
What would it be if he were not here..
Even when he is mad at me and I wipe his tears.
Then I have the battles from day to day,
Feel so selfish....others have it this way.

I am walking a tighwire with no net to catch me when I fall,
Noone to comfort me if I lose it all.
Don't feel I could even trust to let anyone in,
I can never again share my sin.
I know I must now find new direction but
I look in the mirror and hardly recognize that reflection.

So when it's up it's up.
When it's down it's down.
That is why I spend my time here in Poet Town.

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