When We First Met Poem by Jay Curster

When We First Met

When I first set eyes upon her silhouette
Before our eyes met
I felt her warmth inside
Inhaled her sent deep in my mind
Oh how I tasted her womanly essence
I was overcome by her presence in that second
When we first met unseen forces converged
Plains crashed trains derailed and lightning emerged
We were demigods in the middle of a vortex of chaos
I fell into her eyes lost by the light and the pain it disguised
She said hi and I felt a rush of blood to the head
No reply I gently moved a wisp of hair from her eyes instead
I felt the elation of two strangers and the mysteries
The immoral impulses that raged and built up fantasies
I was hard pressed to fill her needs confident to please
Slow and sure head buried on my knees
When we first met I had already heard her scream
When the earth stood still in that dream
I knew what was to come and I wanted it to last forever
But forever should never been used with the word together
So for now I will swim in her ocean of sensuality
Until I wake up alone back in my bed of reality

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