When We Played Love Poem by Genc Kastrati

When We Played Love

Rating: 5.0

I remember when we played together
You showed open wide wings like a lost butterfly
Approaching like a fly seagull runaway
The sky wanted to keep you for itself
While my eyes waiting to say hello
Kept in a wordless hug
You tied up the world of flickering hearts
Rattling like a wake trump after the dream
Turned into the melody of love
In my hands I kept you up like a load
Dancing in a world of universe
We were runaways from the garnish of stars
Descending upon the kisses in the game of love
And when I placed you lightly on your feet
I felt like I descended the moon in a hug of light
You stood upright as a numb flower
I was burning like a flaring sun
Your presence was like burning, honey
Now, it's long time we met
On what paths you run as a wounded doe
You've left my hands to be swallowed by the time
Like two peaks of mountains of fire
They want again to weigh your body
Like Libra of love.

Saturday, July 8, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
Rajnish Manga 08 July 2017

Nice imagery and a wonderful narrative. Great poem with a beautiful expression of love. Thanks.

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