Where Did I Go? Poem by Scarlett Treat

Where Did I Go?

Rating: 5.0

When I was very, very young,
I moved where I willed,
Free as air to be - -
Here, or there,

No one to hold me down,
No heart to enfold me
Or claim me
For its own.

But now I am very, very old,
And the earth under my feet
Has a hold on me,
On my soul.

I am no longer free,
Certain things can never be.
I still love to go, to see it all,
To touch new destinations,

To know what is out there,
But home calls me back,
To feel my own soil
Beneath my feet,

To put roots deeply
Into my own place.
Inside my head, I am the same,
I am still as free

To feel desire and be ambitious
To succeed, to run and not be turned.
I long to create beauty,
To paint, to write the perfect words,

But now I am old,
My heart longs for home,
And I am no longer
Free to roam.

July 7,2009
Scarlett Treat

Ben Gieske 17 September 2009

I can relate to a lot of what you feel and express. Your poem reads with such a free flowing smoothness, it makes me feel lighter and happier. We still can do a lot if we continue to choose to go down new paths.

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Scarlett Treat

Scarlett Treat

Jug Fork, Mississippi
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