Where I Stand Poem by Tasha Young

Where I Stand

All my life I have waited for this moment.
A moment so surreal words cannot describe how I feel.
Just the thought of you make my head spin around and around like a merry-go-round a continuous ride that you make my head go up and down.
My heart jumps just at the thought of you.
As you linger in my thoughts I can imagine just how we will live the happily ever after with that white picket fence.
Dreams of our past present and future fill my self-conscious as I lay in my bed.
Looking back on all of our good and bad times no matter how hard it is we always make up and then kiss.
The thought that races through my mind as you hold me so tight that no matter what it takes he'll always keep me safe both day and night.
A touch a look a simple smile just between us gets us wild.
Yet the question is still in my mind don't know what to do or how to handle this it's as if I were entering a internal obis.
A dark hole filled with lost hopeful souls waiting on the day when they can leave and be with the one who is their soul-mate as chosen by fate.
Yet as I wait as I lay staring up at the pondering sky filled with all of the worries that reside in the worried bodies that preside down on the early limbo of state of mind.
Waiting for that answer to ease their minds the question in which tells me as to where I stand in this ultimate grand plan.

Tasha Young

Tasha Young

Dubuque Iowa
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