Who Am I? Poem by Leonard Rebello

Who Am I?

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Who am I?
I often have no idea.
An animal with an always changing flora and fauna.
Time defines me as I walk through this life always encountering information.
I experience, learn, react, push, and pull, always out of order but sometimes in order beacon.
I have many memories many of which lie hidden, archived in my brain but not properly catalogued.
They define me without my own understanding all backlogged.
I am a tendency. I am confused.
My outlines defined haphazardly and a mystery to be defused.
I am a state of confusion that pretends to know something……Sometimes.
Subject to change like any healthy garden full of fruit and decay at the same times.
I question too much but not enough.
I believe we have not yet seen freedom and haven’t thought about this sure enough.
I Use words that are not polite especially if you know how to use words that are polite.
I assume that my assumptions are wrong because they probably are hindsight.
I believe I do not know my history and that is my best weapon.
I believe in being responsible for myself, my family, and my brethren.
If you messed up and need help, I might help you.
But then also I might not. I hope for the same from you.
But remember When I was kidnapped, my parents snapped into action.
They rented out my room seeing no reaction.
I want you to ask me for help if you need it. I'll ask you for help if I need it.
But whatever it is – I surely didn't do it!
I don't know where I am, but I'm going really fast.
The key to a good relationship is the key. Give me back the key but don’t be too aghast! ! ! ! !

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