Who Will Carry My Thoughts When I Am Gone? Poem by M. Asim Nehal

Who Will Carry My Thoughts When I Am Gone?

Rating: 5.0

Who will carry my thoughts when I am gone?
my words like whispers, etched upon the lawn,
a symphony of ideas, now laid to rest,
beneath the weight of life's incessant quest.

My poems, once vibrant, now lie in the dark,
buried beneath the pages, a forgotten mark.
the treasure I held dear, now lost to time,
a lament unspoken, a mournful chime.

Yet, in the realm where words take flight,
my thoughts will echo through the eternal night
like stars that twinkle in the cosmic void
my words will shimmer, forever unalloyed.

Those who seek solace in my verse's embrace,
will find fragments of my soul in every space,
my words will dance upon their hearts with grace,
a testament to thoughts that left no trace.

So let my thoughts live on, though I may fade,
In the whispers of the wind, the songs that cascade.
for in the echoes of my mind's refrain,
my legacy will find its voice again.

Friday, May 17, 2024
Topic(s) of this poem: lessons of life
Kim Barney 17 May 2024

Your poems will endure and carry your thoughts forever.

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A very touching and inspiring write. Your poems / thoughts will be remembered. Beautifully expressed with great images.

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Juhaina Shiraz 17 May 2024

Wonderful poem. We all want to be remebered by the followers.

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