Why? Poem by Mahalaxmi Naidu


Why God has to take you away from me so soon,
Every night I cry, having a desire to hear your voice.
Why fate had stored such an agony and pain for you,
Left us with tears in our eyes, with no hope and choice.

I miss you a lot mom, come to me and hug me tightly,
No, God cannot be so cruel; he cannot take you away from me.
Now with whom will I share my feelings & my thoughts?
Who will be my teacher, my guide to show me right paths?

Within me I cry, I don’t let anybody know,
I have lost you mother, I want you back anyhow.
want to see your smile, for us, it was a ray of hope.
don’t know, without you, with life, how will I cope?

I want, you to be with me, just for a moment or a while,
Want to tell you, what you mean to me in my life.
I miss your talking, your caring words filled with vibrant vigor,
I want you back mom, come to me to wipe down my tears.

I know it’s impossible to have you in my life any more,
With you, I have lost my life’s desire & vigor.
You hated to see me crying, I do remember,
At least to wipe down my tears, come back …oh Mother!

Loving daughter,

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Mahalaxmi Naidu

Mahalaxmi Naidu

Mumbai / presently in Dubai, UAE
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