Why Daddy Why? Poem by mikayla sall

Why Daddy Why?

Rating: 5.0

Why daddy why?
Was I not pretty?
Was I not good enough?
Why daddy why?
Why was I forced to cry?
You hurt me and beat me.
And then just leave me.
You got away
And I cannot stand it
Every time I walk down the sidewalk
I have to look behind me
And be careful of people.
Why daddy why?
Why did you hurt me?
Why did you get away with it?
Abusing kids is like taking their future away from them
Their only kids and should be
Aloud to be kids
When you hurt me you took away my future
And now I’m here to say thanks
I’ve gone through a lot
And now I know
That there is a lot of people out there
Like you and now I know that.

Kayleigh Tongue 06 June 2009

A sad poem but so true so kids are unlucky like that but well done a great peom that had lots of feels in it.... i like it a lots... FAB...! ! ! !

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Brandy Byrd 07 November 2008

that is so........ sad and dont think of yourself like that u are very important in this world and thats good that u are strong enough 2 get through this

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Shalia Robinson 31 May 2007

WOW! ! I am sorry. U really expressed yourself through this poem.

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mikayla sall

mikayla sall

Juneau, Alaska
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