Why Do I Write Poetry? Poem by Franchesca Mia Tortoza

Why Do I Write Poetry?

Rating: 5.0

Why, in the first place, do I write poetry?
Couldn't I simply write a song, or even a story?
Why not write a news article, maybe an informative essay?
Why not write a fairytale that could make someone's day?

Why not make my feelings known verbally?
Why not just tell others how I feel truly?
Why not try to speak out loud, maybe even try to sing?
Why not write a novel, just for the fun it could bring?

Why not simply write a simple and well known fanfiction?
Why not publish an encyclopedia with well-detailed sections?
Why should I write in the first place when I could just as well read?
Why write poetry? Which of it's elements do I actually like and need?

I write poetry, for it shows my feelings with ease,
I write poetry, for I can write whatever I please,
I write poetry, for when I do, I feel like I can rewrite history
All this and more, even—this all is why I love to write poetry.

Why Do I Write Poetry?
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: poetry,writing
I wrote this poem to express why I write poetry, because a certain devil schoolmate of mine keeps judging me for writing like this. Back off, ya crybaby! !
Ging Taping 10 September 2016

another line Poetess and Poets write poems because it's our passion..We put our effort time and love.. great writing

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Menato San 07 September 2016

Amazing, really good i like il thanks for sharing with us

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Kelly Kurt 06 September 2016

People either enjoy and appreciate poetry or they don't. The ones that don't seem to have a need to put it and writers down. Just keep writing, Franchesca

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Laurie Van Der Hart 06 September 2016

Cool! I agree. Have you ever read Wyslawa Szymborsky's Some like Poetry? She's a great poet.

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