Why Im Quiet Poem by Stephen Gradwell

Why Im Quiet

There was never anything special between us,
We were always going to expire,
Our hearts can beat in sync all we like,
If were lucky it won't end till the funeral pyre.

And I'm sad now but the sunlight makes us happy,
And you and I are floating in the usual way,
Speeding across the patterned waves,
Taking photos of the fractured cliffs.

And we can run naked through the forest,
On all fours, at the beginning of time,
We don't have that long my sweet,
So lets waste it all worrying.

And I can just sit and I can just stare,
But there's nothing, deeper than your beauty there,
And if you abandoned me here and now,
Nobody's going to stop you.

We can't always have each other,
And that's just the honest truth,
There's no safety net for us,
Nobody to force us to be good.

Sometimes I can't string together 5 words,
Sometimes I think I should just be quiet,
In the end I'll have nothing to say,
I can't make a stamp no matter how hard I try.

And one day, like to all we loved,
Or maybe not so soon at all,
Even with everything we know to be true,
One day I won't be able to dream and think of you.

And I'd love to tell you we would be ok,
Our love could last any day,
But science and technology has it limits,
So lets sit and worry together.

Stephen Gradwell

Stephen Gradwell

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