Will She? Poem by Don McWilliams

Will She?

Pronounce your secrets when she
is barely paying attention
and see what occurs.
At long last, save nothing
for tomorrow. Tell her
that the sound of her name
moving in air
burns when you try to breathe.

Love of your life,
light of your world,
your muse and protagonist of all dreams.
Tell her everything,
leave nothing for interpretation.

Will she refocus or run?
Validate your daring
or pierce you with small silences?

Imagine all you want,
but men misread things.
Know nothing, until you know.

Get ready. Find courage where you will.
Drinking will help in this regard.
Long you (lonely)have loved her, though far away.

Move closer. Closer.

Having forsaken casual pastimes
to think (often, only)
of her,
prepare to speak.

What you have practiced one thousand times
to fine edge, your confession,
may pass into legend
if you, charged with new courage
and electric with desire
find the elusive spotlight into which you would stand.

Or remain silent
and eschew your one chance,
leaving nothing
but to pronounce a liquid summer
and stagger away.

Better this.
You know what
your heart does
when she is near you.

Add the beats above the mean,
divide by sixty,
construct years
from cardiac ululation.

Do it. Tell me what you see?

Tuesday, May 8, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: desire
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