Will Things Get Better? Poem by Holly Polly Hancock

Will Things Get Better?

I used to take life like a cup of tea
Be able to have a laugh and run free
Now theres always some sort of drama
When all could really do with is some karma
I can't seem to get things right
It feels like i'm falling from a great hight
I wish things would get better
But they just seem to be getting wetter
Even though I have friends and family around
It feels like my feet are stuck on the ground
All I really want is to be able to fly high
Away from it all into the blue sky
To be free like the birds
Where you're always heard
I wish I could find the key
That would stop the bad running free
I know I should forget the past
But how can I when it seems to creep up fast
Nearly everyone I know
Seem to up and go
People ask, 'Whats my biggest fear? '
I reply, 'I'm scared i'm going to wake up with no one hear'
I seem to always mess up
Wish I could have a bit of luck
You never realise what you got
Untill you find it all lost
Maybe this is a sign
Its time to draw a line
I've got to put my head to the test
To hope and pray for the best

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