Winter To Summer (In Florida) Poem by Kristina Louisa Carr

Winter To Summer (In Florida)

Brown gives way to green over green to turn brown again
Stuffy rooms with thick air breathe freely just for a moment
Until the humming sound of the air conditioning suffocates
The lazy days monopolized by grey clouds over the river
We start running to greet summer jumping briskly over spring

From the dark corners of long shadows hidden whispers
Shortening the time of stalled excitement ready to run
Outside in shorts and flip flops to welcome a new summer
For now fresh and green, loved and pampered until
It overstays its welcome becoming stifling and stagnant

Tears of mourning are not shed this brand new day
While the heat slowly becomes our new companion
Soon to surround our whole being threatening with
Smothering, sweltering humidity to crawl under our skin
We will long for the cooler brisk winds of the winter

But today the sun illuminates the dew drops on the grass
Where insects humming to the tune of bright green leaves
Palms gently swaying and tenderly promising beach days
When soon we will burn the bottom of our feet in hot sand
Temperatures that make us dive for shelter in cool rooms

Holding on to the melancholy of days by a warming fire
In the middle of January I felt safe and sheltered
Now discovered I am in the open in the bright sun
Together with the heavy smell of Confederate Jasmine
I will wait for another winter dreaming of long nights
Living this new endless summer like a tourist

Susan Lacovara 06 May 2014

My younger brother just arrived back k in New York after wintering in Florida and swear the winter never left Long Island, therein treating him to a second spring! I could feel the humidity rising in your write. A great piece with plenty of steaming description. Stay cool....And have a peaceful day in the sunshine!

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Susan Lacovara 06 May 2014

My younger brother just arrived back in New York after his winter in Florida...he swears that winter never left Long Island and feels he will be treated to a second spring. Lucky him! Have a peaceful day in the sunshine, I loved your descriptions of the sweltering heat...stay cool!

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Kristina Louisa Carr

Kristina Louisa Carr

Born: Cape Town, South Africa
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