Wishful Thinking Poem by Hayden Carter

Wishful Thinking

Before I was alone,
Not a friend in sight
Always brooding in my own loneliness
I thought love would never stop by.
I could not find that special lover, the one which makes me feel complete within.
The one that means the most to me.

Then I met you one sunny day
For hours we sat and talked to each other
Like old friends we were, walking in the light
The days rolling into each other as I spent more and more time with you
I knew then I have found the girl, the woman of my dreams
Someone I could love and cherish forever
Now, my love for her has only grown deeper.

As we grow, the love between us fills a void that had never once been filled
I grew to enjoy every moment with you, each day becoming ever so better.
I grew to enjoy your scent, the natural pheromones pulling me towards you like some unnatural force, forcing me to fall deeper in love with you
I enjoyed the way how you smiled at me every day, like a beacon of hope shimmering in the distance.
The subtle actions as you walked away but before you leave, you look back with a mixture of feelings present.

I never once thought I could find the girl of my dreams, but hear I stand heart by heart, arms in arms, in a forever strong embrace.
Now I stand here, looking at you in that white dress, after you slowly walked the church corridor, bells joyfully singing.
I look forward, trying not to blink, in fear of losing a single precious monument with you.
We face the rest of our lives together, the greatest accomplishment towards our love.
Your dedication yourself to me, and my dedication towards you, never failing, never stopping never giving up.

As we both go grey, we look not to the past but to the future.
We spent of lives together, forever happy, forever in love.
As we sit beside each other, watching grandkids play, we realise, love never was meant to happen.
We had to earn love and pay back love with love.
We teach our children our ways, that love is not something to mess with. It is a gift and it's something everyone should enjoy, at one stage or another.

Dedicated to someone special

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Hayden Carter

Hayden Carter

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