Woman, Pregnancy, Abandongment (1947) Poem by Alexandro Johns

Woman, Pregnancy, Abandongment (1947)

In the platform of a train station to The Andes
a mother and her child in gestation
that evening they were hiding from the reproach of siblings,
the priest's condemnation and the arrogant grandmother,
both were wraping only with the winter
saying good-by to the third person of this story
that never more returned.

She was a woman in biological sight
generating an anonymous son
in the target of her first love.

After she paid her bet in the carnal game
the paradise it broke,
she went into exile where it rain gametes
and perhaps will survive the fury of gods
invented by men.

She should walk alone toward no home,
in the nights as a bell
her body gentry would toll
and any man will listen the sound,
the child was the key closing her doors
but with the gaze will nail his blood
to the tenderness of a mother without tears
open to life despite the pain.

Monday, November 14, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: womanhood
Kim Barney 14 November 2016

Unexpected pregnancy has been the downfall of many (men and women alike) .

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Alexandro Johns 15 November 2016

You are right, Kim. Thanks for you comment.

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