World Without God Poem by exotic lokz

World Without God

this world is out of control we got kids doing years an teens on parol you turn on the news an what do you see..........?
mothers who are sufacating an killing thier babies what is this world turning out to be we should be calling out to the lord an leting him hear our voices
not killing our unborn an saying we had no other choices
we`ve poluted the air with pronography an profanity using gods name in vain for taking away our family
every one sins but not every one lives you could be doing life
our locked up for hiting your wife
you could be an addict on the street begging for money to suport your addiction
but god dosnt care he could help you out of any situation all you got to do is put your hands together look up at the sky call upon our lord to come into your life
ask god for forgivness at any time of the day it dosnt matter when because god hears everything you have to say but if you dont ask for forgiveness
you wont be forgave an when god comes back to earth he wont let you in his gates god has perdicted all that is happening
turn to Your bibel
the second book of timothy chapter 3 verse 1-5 an itll tell you that god is coming soon for those of us dead or alive
like i said before there aint no drugs in this world that could take the pain away all you gotta do is humbel yourself an pray whe you got nothing else to do, grab your bibel consum it like its apart of you
all your questions to life are thier in the book all you gotta do is just take time an look

for every one
exotic lokz

exotic lokz

fresno califonia
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