Wrapped In Abundance Poem by Ayatullah Nurjati

Wrapped In Abundance

Rating: 5.0

Reflection of life entwined in stupidity
All melted because of the expression
Religion that presents beauty, - reflecting through violence
Where is the hope that presents a peace
Raise the synergistic arrogance with the dipper of absolute power

War promises a strand of meaning and a twist
Is it wrong if I say that it's the work of artist politicians
Who brings blue hope to the instigators of beggars

In the name of a sacred religion
The sweat that drips on every strand of strength
Gone when they raised it through religion

Is it wrong if I say it's all naughty
The presentation of despots who give speeches through hunger
Einstein weeps and clings in confusion
Because all rulers use their depravity
Einstein was deceived by the mahligai promises in the name of beauty
So, not because of religion, the state. However, because of the person

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