Yellow As A Mellow Fellow Poem by Dan Quiles

Yellow As A Mellow Fellow

Siulin Wong has made me a yellow
As a mellow type of fellow
Below the stars
There have been many wars,
Yet, here came this pretty half Chinese girl,
� to calm and preach to me within her palm
And made me feel like a toasted alm.

Look at the stars they shine for you.
There are all for you.
It is when, I was inspired to write you this song.
With time and with the birth of Ian-Josh,
I have become jello, mellow, fellow that at times looks like yellow.
Heck, even being a dad has made me mellow-fellow that looks yellow.
Below all circumstances, you are my shining yellow Star,
Above it all, Ian has become my shining yellow Star.
That makes all other stars go brrrrrrrrrrrr.
That makes all other stars go brrrrrrrrrrrr.
That makes all other stars go brrrrrrrrrrrr.

I have seen shallow murky darkness in this world.
It can be lonesome and so unwholesome
Yet, you came to lit up a new path of hope and new possibilities.
I see you as my lightning rod amongst all stars.
It is then, that I became a Yellow as a Mellow Fellow
It is then, that I became a Yellow as a Mellow Fellow
It is then, that I became a Yellow as a Mellow Fellow

Look at the stars they shine for you.
There are all for you.
It is when, I was inspired to write you this song.
With time my love has grown and drawn closer to heaven.
Now I feel closer to reach and touch the Star of all Stars.
I have become jello, mellow-fellow that at times looks like yellow.
That makes all other stars go brrrrrrrrrrrr.
That makes all other stars go brrrrrrrrrrrr.
That makes all other stars go brrrrrrrrrrrr.

Because of you, I have become the Yellow as a Mellow Fellow
You will always be my Star of all Stars.
cause you made me the Yellow as a Mellow Fellow.
cause you made me the Yellow as a Mellow Fellow.
cause you made me the Yellow as a Mellow Fellow

Dan Quiles

Dan Quiles

Boston, MA
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