You Feel As Helpless Poem by Francis Duggan

You Feel As Helpless

You feel as helpless as a leaf borne in the flooded stream
But don't give up on hope and hang on to your dream
Of wealth and of happiness in the days ahead
If you do give up on hope only life's breath in you not dead.

If happier times in days ahead you cannot seem to see
For all it will be worth to you I offer you my sympathy
Through the dark clouds of your soul happiness cannot shine
I do feel blessed quite blessed indeed that your worries are not mine.

The cares of life a weight on you and your sad face matches your mood
And you drink on your own in the pub where in silence you do brood
When you are in a depressed mood few of you wish to know
And the more you think about your woes the more your worries grow.

You sit on your own in the pub sad looking as you drink your beer
As a reminder of unhappiness where there is laughter and cheer
Suppose amongst any happy crowd one sad one you will find
And the worries that engulf you are a huge weight on your mind.

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