You'Re Getting Old Poem by Sugar Bear

You'Re Getting Old

You just yelled at me, to clean up my room
And underneath my bed, I found these old pictures of you
Where you were having fun, you looked really young
I was just baby, now see what I’ve become
All of your and Mama’s life, ya’ll wanted to go to Disney World
So all of our dreams came true when you took us last summer
And all the water slides, I wanted you both to ride
I turned around and noticed, for the first time of my life
Is that a wrinkle? You have so much gray hair..
Your motions are growing slower; I wanted to gasp in fear
I have no idea where time goes
Cause you both were getting old
I’ve never looked at neither of you, that way before
Cause you had me when you were barely out of High school doors
I always had the coolest dad, and funniest mom
Of course because you were the youngest, and fun
Even though you’re not OLD (mom) I just noticed the change
The increase of tiredness, and the annoyance of pain
Your feet always hurt, and the cramps in your back
Even when you do something as simple as laugh
Daddy’s getting bald, mama’s getting gray
And it just hurts for me to see you this way
Cause you’re still kids, growing up with me
Watching our favorite cartoons on the T.v
The time of you dieing is not now, but nearing
And the thought tenses me up, and has me tearing
I use that though to help me cry in a skit
I don’t want you to grow up, I want us all to be kids
I used to say “I can’t wait till I’m older, and out of this place.”
But none of that would matter, if it makes you erase
And I know it’s too soon, for me to even think of this sadness
But it’s true, one day I’ll have to pick out your casket
Daddy I noticed you looked at grandpa the other day
Exactly how I looked at you today
And you said “God, I’ll miss him when he goes.”
And I just looked at you and said “I know.”

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