Young G 3 Poem by John Ackerman

Young G 3

young G i'm your father but why do i even bother teach you cause it don't agree with you
you profess to understand the message but you frolic & are dishonest apparent
haven't made a single dent on social dignity in what you want too achieve
always have something up your sleave you tend to mislead
hearts are frozen as if in from a distant island with violence
at every circumstance learn to take a part in the dance as if a new romance
never keep them second guessing this is from me to you a brand new lesson
destined for Champage and Caviar young G will go far
you will be dancing with the disco light straight into the night stay away from the after party scene peeps do scream
change your thoughts over to Jehovah let them roll over cause he know ya

Celebrate with good faith a chance at which to medtate make no mistake
each of us is groomed for higher things just don't wait until the fat lady sings
by then it will be to late for your fate make no mistake you need to rise up
plan out your destiny in what your willing to achieve knock you to your knees
don't ever go to prison being locked up in cell block number nine thinking everything is fine
that's all an illusion search for a better solution to achieve your dreams
we are living in a land so very mean so keep it clean be true to yourself sweet G
love you lots son so I want you to do well so stay away from a living hell

Young G 3
Friday, December 22, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: hope,love,peace,rap
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