Your In A Better Place... Poem by Yvette Flores

Your In A Better Place...

I may not have known you
But im great friends with who was supposed to be your future wife
It sucks you had to go at this time
I wish i could of met you, but oh well...
Your in a better place now
I just wish you somehow know im writting this...
You were having what you wanted...
Its horrible you had to go
She's already getting blamed for things at school, and then she had you to worry about
Things seemed fine though..
At least up until monday...
Yall saw each other saturday but that was it
Sunday came, and she waited for your call
That call she was waiting for never came...
She thought you were avoiding her...
It wasn't until monday that she found out...
You were in the hospital...
She was told that you had a slight chance of living...
It wasn't until later at school that she found out you were gone...
Later that night, she called me crying, i ended up crying after we hung up
She's in so much pain
I know i dont know you, but even though your gone do me a favor...
Watch over her and the child she is holding
I'll try my hardest to be by her side, and not leave her
Just do me the favor and be their guardian angel
Watch over both of them
Let her know your still with her in her heart
Although your in two different worlds...
Your still close at heart
You'll be missed by so many! ! !
May you R.I.P

Yvette Flores

Yvette Flores

Fort Worth
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