Your Last Day Poem by Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England

Your Last Day

Rating: 5.0

Worried about your wilful past
Afraid of Judgement Day
Treat best each day as though your last
And seek “The Narrow Way”

Seek Heaven’s Word, God’s Truth & Light
Seek out God’s Lamb & Son
Seek Heaven’s strength to fight the fight
Where victory’s to be won

Consider well! The living Christ
Consider well your path
Believe The Lamb God sacrificed
And flee The coming Wrath

Make no mistake; that day will dawn
Where every life’s laid bare
When books are read of those reborn
And those who didn’t care

Take care dear friend seek out God’s face
Bid Jesus Christ to reign
Receive His love His Father’s grace
And live no more in vain

But stand God’s child, righteous and true
Forgiven all before
Receive The One who’ll comfort you
And guide through Heaven’s Door

Worry! Is for the wayward man
Still walking lost and blind
Who yet decline Salvation’s Plan
To give them peace of mind

For I was lost and blind once too
Afraid of death’s dark vale
Until I joined the faithful few
Of He who cannot fail

James Foulk 28 March 2008

a very good piece of poetry and well said and very true.

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Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England
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