Your Smile Still Does That Poem by Seamus O' Brian

Your Smile Still Does That

Rating: 5.0

How can I hear you laugh
and not know
what it feels for a sun
to rise inside my soul?
How can I see your smile
and not have all the irksome
perversities of life evaporate?
How can I see you across the room
through the hand-gesturing crackers
and the wine glass exhortations,
see that mixture of rapt attention
and warmly bemused affection
and not remember when
you looked at me like that
and turned my world
upside down?
(The first time)
How can I remember when
I was me without you?
Before you and I
became us?
And why
would I want to?

Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: love,smile,together
Glen Kappy 12 August 2017

this is lovely, neal! it's a theme we've heard in many a song, yet this is uniquely you with the irksome perversities and through the hand-gesturing crackers and the wine glass exhortations. finely observed and originally worded, and the words in parentheses seem perfect to me. and add to all that, it says just enough and eloquently. (you'll pardon me if i sound in a rapture, but i really like this one.) glen

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Seamus O Brian 12 August 2017

Thanks, Glen! Always a privilege to read your insightful comments. You so often bring new perspectives and insight. I truly value your thoughts as an accomplished writer. Be blessed, my friend!

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Laurie Van Der Hart 15 September 2016

Very touching, and beautifully written!

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Seamus O Brian 15 September 2016

Thank you, Laurie! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. :)

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Seamus O' Brian

Seamus O' Brian

Galway, Ireland
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