Rachel Fogle Poems

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A Lonely Dove

am alone, by choice you see.

No time for romance, it just isn't me.

Just A Touch Of Heaven

A little girl late for school one day, running to catch her bus,
Falls down and scrapes her knee and the tears start to run.
Then out of no were a man come to aid, he says don't cry my darlin and angels lookin your way.
And he take's her hand an he bends his knee to help the hurt she suffered and to take away her fears.

Beauty From Within

A sky full of Blue & White
An Ocean just the same.
A picture of a waterfall on a beautiful rainy day.
A little girl catching a butterfly and her mother sneaks a view.


A.I.D.S is a virus that does not care,
If your black, white, gay or straight.
There is no way that we can run from this deadly diease that has become,
A weapon of death and suicide for men and women of all kind.

In Loving Memory

You’ve been gone for awhile now and many years have flown by.
Yet…..now I miss you more then I have in along time.
I was so little when you went away didn’t really understand.
I just new my poppy had up and went away.

Love, Hate, Forgiveness & Harmony

Love is the power we give others to use,
Hate is the product that comes when it is misused.

Forgiveness is the strength that we need to recover,

Broken & Torn

Scattered about, broken away lost in this world no time for play.
Living, liking left behind, sometimes emptyness is not hard to find.
Weary, waking day to day, losing track god still has his say.
Timeout, look back, reflect and give thanks.

Fall From Grace

He kneels down beside his father's grave,
Tears resting upon his face.

Pondering the questions, he so long ago could not say.

Above The Clouds

We look above to see the clouds blowing in the wind.
You dare not say there ugly or even unfit.
They paint the sky blue & white with the sway of the breeze in fall.
They make the sky seem so beautiful that you wonder will it ever begone?


A vision held in high esteem, how can one compare?

Expectations so great in numbers, one must always have great care.

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