Radhakrishna Pillai

Radhakrishna Pillai Poems

As I stand alone in the lambent moonlight,
On a high flat land where the ocean sprays up
Endlessly, when waves meet sands ashore,
I feel the wind, its chill and the tales it whispers

The Achaeans sinned with swords and spears
Then offered meat to Poseidon
And prayed for favours and pardon.
Now You sin with your tongue

When green turns to brown
You cry for water, the water of life
That makes you what you are
And what you would be

The Best Poem Of Radhakrishna Pillai

Our Life... Our Fault.

As I stand alone in the lambent moonlight,
On a high flat land where the ocean sprays up
Endlessly, when waves meet sands ashore,
I feel the wind, its chill and the tales it whispers

The wind brings untold tales of departed souls
Tales drenched in tears, full of sufferings and sighs
The souls might have cried in silence in vain
Heard by none, when savaged by ruthless men

With moist eyes and a heart that bleeds
I try to fathom the magnitude of their woes
Only to find myself in a helpless situation and
Think of the dust in my trembling hands

The dust in my hands falls to the ground
The dust of life and death at once, and for good
Into the ever forgiving earth it merges and
Empty are my hands now and so is my mind

I hear the wailings of hapless polar bears
As their icelands break away and melt into seas
We make them turn cannibals through our deeds
In the air, the curse of those white beings lingers

Distressed and with my hands folded, I look up
Prays for greed to be taken away from our minds
For the wind to change to a refreshing breeze
And whisper me to deep sleep gently and softly.

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