Rajendran Muthiah Poems

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Amending Faults (By St. Thiruvalluvar In Tamil)

431.Excellent is the wealth of those who are free
From arrogance, wrath and meanness.
432.Stinginess, self-conceit and unbridled mirth
Are faults in a king.

Medicine (By St. Thiruvalluvar)

941.With less or more food and work, the wise count the three
Gout, bile and phlegm starting from the wind cause disease.
942.If you eat, after the food already taken digested,
No need of medicine to your body.

Aware Of Strength (By St. Thiruvalluvar)

471.Do a deed weighing its strength, strength of yours, foes
And allies on both sides before you do it.
472.Nothing is hard to achieve for those who weigh possible
things and the means of doing, and set their minds in them.

The Possession Of Benevolence (By St. Thiruvalluvar)

241.The great wealth of grace is wealth amid wealth.
Material wealth even the meanest have.
242.Stand in righteous way, probe and be kind.
Though you explore all the systems, mercy is your aid.

Employ After Try-Out (By St. Thiruvalluvar)

511. A king should employ one who scrutinises good and evil
And has a nature to do good.
512. He who augments revenues, wealth and scours the obstacles
To weed them out to progress should serve a king.

Manly Effort (By St. Thiruvalluvar In Tamil)

611.Don’t get dejected presuming something is hard to do.
Strenuous efforts give great strength to do it.
612.The world deserts those who leave chosen work incomplete
Don’t make so half-hearted attempts.

Knowing The Indications (By St. Thiruvalluvar)

701.The minister who looks at the king and reads his thoughts,
Being untold, is the gem of the world engulfed by the sea.
702.Regard the mind-reader as equal to god, as he knows
The thoughts of others without any doubt.

Pouting In Anger (By St. Thiruvalluvar)

1301.Don’t embrace but sulk.
Let us see how my lover suffers distress.
1302.Pouting awhile is like the salt that seasons the food.
If it prolongs, it likens excess salt messing up the food.

Poverty (By St. Thiruvalluvar)

1041.“Which of the things is more painful than poverty? ”,
If you ask, it is nothing but poverty.
1042.Poverty, the worst sinner spoils the pleasure
Of life in this world and the life after.

The Right To Dissent

They have got the assent
to kill the writers
who apply reason
in their expression.

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