Randy McClave Poems

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We're now all grown
What we want is already known,
Let's not waste anymore moments or time
Unto the soul that is a crime.

The Letter She Wrote

I'm not any good at taking care of myself
But, I promise you I will treat you well,
I'll prepare your bath and/ or your showers
And I'll always be happy with beautiful flowers.

Barring Arms

Every one has a right to bare arms
He screamed and he shouted,
Every one has the right to bare arms
He then cried and also pouted.

When Friends Come Around

In the wintertime I have no friends at all
No one visits and no one ever does call,
Maybe they are all snowed in
While all waiting for summertime to begin.

Little Secrets

We all have little secrets until we are caught
Some smoke cigarettes while some smoke pot,
And they believe that no one knows what they are doing
Or the destructive path that they are pursuing.

You're A Liar

If you ever say a lie, then you're a liar
And if you post a lie, then you're a buyer,
If you ever repeat a lie, you're then a liar
In the end you will end up in Hell's fire.

Soldiers Of The World

I wish that every single soldier
In every country around the world,
All soldiers who stand for all rights and freedom
Who supports their flags furled and unfurled.

Women To Avoid

My father once said to me
One day my son you will want to start a family,
So, please take the advice from a man who has traveled the country
And also in the Bible read and then see.

Truths Of A Woke Mind

Many symptoms of a woke mind
First of all do not be intentionally blind,
Know what is fake and what is real
And never surrender your will.

One Woman Drives

One woman drives you to the bottle
And then you pick it up to drink,
And then later you will stagger and waddle
Not once do you worry or think.

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