Renu Kakkar Poems

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Today I stand alone
you have left me forlorn.
To face responsibilities
and to do financial jugglery.

Me And My Goal

I am on my way to reach my goal
all along it has been a tough fight.
playing hide and seek has become my role
my goal still remains hidden from my sight.

The Star And The Sunflower

Hey you up there shining so bright,
How you light up the darkness of the night.
Along with your sister companions,
To lost strangers you show directions.

Pages Of Life

As i turn the pages of the book of my life,
thinking if it reverses how nice would it be?
Time that has gone does not come again,
but if it comes back how nice would it be?

Snow White And Her Caring Friends

Snow White was banished to the forest,
her stepmother envied her beauty and health robust.
Told never to return to the palace,
she was asked to make her home in the wilderness.


Families we all have who shower their love on us,
the love remains steady even when we behave like idiots.
Sometimes we are boring, lazy or extremely bad,
in spite of all this our families love us which seems sad.

What My Future Holds For Me?

What does my future hold for me?
I wish I could get to know.
My past goes with me,
where ever i want to go.

I Have Been Here Before

Sometimes I feel I have been here before,
but when and how i just can not remember.
Is it an emotion rising from the heart's core,
or a dream sequence which one sees in slumber.

Would Never Have Let You Go

You have gone and without you,
somehow I will learn to live it is true.
The flame of our love in my heart will brightly burn,
and I will learn to smile through the pain.

The Celestial House

I was in meditation that day again,
and saw a park with little green hills.
The weather indicated fall of rain,
the picture was completed with singing birds.

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