Me And My Goal Poem by Renu Kakkar

Me And My Goal

I am on my way to reach my goal
all along it has been a tough fight.
playing hide and seek has become my role
my goal still remains hidden from my sight.

I have had a real tough time.
and no closer have I reached.
This elusive goal of mine.
is like searching for a heart beat.

At the end of the tunnel is a light
That has been avoiding me.
A long time I have been searching it
will i manage to reach it this time.

Even I deserve to receive
and rest after the long tussle.
The reward of happiness and peace
should be mine after all the faced hassle.

I ask myself, will I ever fulfill?
all my aspirations & dreams?
Or will continue to struggle still?
to reach and realize my aims?

Why is it that honest people suffer?
in this corrupt absurd world?
Why do the idealists endure?
who is the guardian angel of the wayward?

It seems we have paid the price
and reap what we had not sown.
Bringing to book had seamed a farce
but people are being caught now for corruption.

So I am hopeful for the future now
as on a new threshold we all stand.
As agony and pain step out to take a bow.
in sensitiveness corruption almost dead.

Now I can say that I am on my way to reach my goal
almost gone is the long tough fight.
which played hide and seek with me in the penultimate role
my goal will no longer remains hidden from sight.

renukakkar 14.9.2011

Renu Kakkar 26 September 2011

thank you..we all face struggles in life and if there are bad and corrupt people then are obstacles become even more difficult..but times are changing now...

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Vipins Puthooran 17 September 2011

Well written, a beautiful poem. You portraited here the struggles we have to face before reaching to our goal.and we are all standing in a new threshold..this truth one should remember in the way to our goal May I invite you to read my new poems....

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Allemagne Roßmann 16 September 2011

a good write as avid read......

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Renu Kakkar

Renu Kakkar

Fazilka, punjab
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