Rex-mayor Ubini

Rex-mayor Ubini Poems

As the sky drew her cottons against my eyes
I slumbered on the arms of time
Lost in a blue space of yester-years
Days of my late great grannies

What a screaming silence,
And the echoes of its ambience,
Claiming this space with cold air,
Oh, I see, a virtue has gone out here,

Is about ten thousand,
And nine hundred and fifty eight days!
Since I alighted from a vacuum darker than the coons,
Shielded from the eyes of passing moons,

Under this singing sky
Smoked with balloons
The butterflies of our hearts soar
Floating on the stream of the wind


The sky's bleaching paste is used up,
Skin swooped by Melanocytes
Dilatorily dropping out of sight
Into the deficiency of light,

Eh! Eh! Eh! Eh!
My eyes have heard,
That which my ears could not hear,
My ears have seen,

A night forcing his will
On the way of a redressing day
Quickened my eyes to see
A particular planet aloof my way

Just on the pulse of your return
My heart again is torn
Pass me by til morrow
My eyes be blind your shadow

Imagination once gave me a seer's eye
To see over my unborn years,
And I saw from decades of miles,
A toothless woman from Akwa Ibom.

Tufiakwa! Tufiakwa! !
Let the cloud bathe you with an old woman's saliva
A curse you find no pillow of peace
Under this distant canopy

The beckoning face of flowers
Last with morning bloom
Sooner night falls it withers
And shrink into shying gloom

A day hued with red and white
Birth the world a light
That shineth through night
And darkness stand not to fight

The canoe of desire
When not godly paddled
On the stream of emotions
It drowns

There is a place,
Not far from where you are,
Where one is found by grace,
Amidst divine stars.

I love the sun
I love the sun
Because the sun would never frown
Smile is her very crown

How long, how long,
Shall last this cold wedlock with loneliness,
Who daily caresses you with smoky hands
That dares to freeze you,

I bless the spirit
The wind whose back we sit
Travelling through this planet
Where now dwell

My heart I bare before your eyes
Now you sing within your mind
I have seen the fool in him
From your dance I heard the rhythm

Sadness has found her brow
A free ground to cast its shadow
Her teeth now crouch its bloom
Behind her mouth's gloom

My inner eyes can see
A star up in the sky
Haunt with crowd of eyes
On their lips its name resides

Rex-mayor Ubini Biography

Rex Mayor Ubini, the creative force behind the realms of literature, sculpture, and artistic innovation, is a name that echoes with multifaceted talent and visionary expression. Born on March 8,1984, in the serene town of Ozoro, Delta State, Nigeria, Rex Mayor Ubini is not just a name but a symbol of artistic brilliance. Hailing from the esteemed Ubini family, he adopted the moniker 'Mayor' during his time as a rap artist, signifying his authority in the art of rhythm and rhymes. The name 'Ubini' reflects his roots and serves as a constant reminder of his rich heritage. Rex Mayor Ubini embarked on his artistic journey as a rap artist, creating waves in the music scene. However, his path took a transformative turn when he embraced the calling of poetry. Under the pseudonym 'Rex Mayor Ubini, ' his words became an eloquent dance of emotions, resonating with readers worldwide. His tribute poem, 'Adieu Maya Angelou, ' published in The Union Newspaper in Lagos on December 8,2014, catapulted him to international acclaim, captivating the hearts of Maya Angelou enthusiasts during her tribute ceremony on June 7,2014. Beyond the realm of words, Rex Mayor Ubini possesses a unique gift for sculpting, crafting bronze artworks that transcend conventional boundaries. His sculptures, including the iconic Mother and Child, Drummer Girl, and Fisher Man, reflect his mastery in shaping timeless art. In the realm of technology, Rex Mayor Ubini is not just an artist but a digital maestro. His proficiency in website development underscores his commitment to blending art with the ever-evolving digital landscape. A man of diverse talents, Rex Mayor Ubini transitioned from his artistic pursuits to the spiritual realm, embracing a new identity as Pastor Tim Rex Williams. This spiritual metamorphosis speaks to his journey of self-discovery and unwavering faith. In 2016, Rex Mayor Ubini marked a significant milestone by establishing Lumaarc, a company dedicated to the creation of bespoke artworks and wall panel frames. Under his leadership, Lumaarc has become synonymous with innovation, quality, and a testament to Nigeria's capability to produce world-class creations. Rex Mayor Ubini, the jack of all trades, has left an indelible mark on the artistic landscape. His story is not just a biography but an invitation to explore the intricate realm of creativity, faith, and relentless pursuit of excellence. To meet Rex Mayor Ubini is to step into a world where art transcends boundaries and leaves an everlasting impression on the canvas of the human spirit.)

The Best Poem Of Rex-mayor Ubini

In The Funeral Of Africa

As the sky drew her cottons against my eyes
I slumbered on the arms of time
Lost in a blue space of yester-years
Days of my late great grannies
Hued beyond culture and custom
Values held with high esteem
Marriage with virginity proof
The pride of an african bride
Maidens in campala buba
With natural african hair
Mothers in native wrapper
Head crowned with uthorfor
And the mirror of nature reflects us
The beckoning black race
This is our face
Preened with modesty and grace
The sun of our black out days

But now I woke up wholly disoriented
It seems am in a strange locus
Can't find the tokens of our ancestors
The footprint of their tarriance here
Has been washed 'way by western wind
What is left here is a faceless race
Clothed with nakedness and disgrace

If the bars of death are deposed
Off the way of the breathless folks
And the dry frame of Eseroma is fleshed
With a gaily whirlwind amidst her breasts,
To quicken her trembling feet to etch
One more print on this black soil,
Where would she find her wrapper?
Where would she find uthorfor?

To all whose vein is the itinerary
Where black blood truly journeys
See through my inner eyes days coming
Where black soil is tattooed with taboos
The sepulcher of values and virtues
The colosseum of Fela's show of vice
Where not only the young but old
Would walk in strange unpeity apparel
Eliciting from today's slap on our face
The white invading God's space
Recreating our black women
False hairs and false nails
False lashes and fake-eyes
Gory lips of mosquitoes
Whose blood suck black daughters
O my lament in the funeral of Africa.

Rex-mayor Ubini Comments

Masoumeh Alizadeh 18 November 2014

nice i read your poems

0 0 Reply

Rex-mayor Ubini Quotes

'If you say you love me without a reason to hate me, then your love is not true. Oh yes! You only love the good side of me without a recourse to the fact that I am human; a being striving to touch the sky of perfection yet is pulled down by the gravity of its very nature. There must be some things You so much hate about me; which your love is strong enough to ignore, that's when and only then your love is true.'

'If you say you love me without a reason to hate me, then your love is not true. Oh yes! Is not. You only love the good side of me without a recourse to the fact that I am human: A being striving to touch the sky of perfection yet is pulled down by the gravity of its very nature. There must be some things You so much hate about me; which your love is strong enough to ignore, that's when and only then your love is true.'

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