Reyvrex Questor Reyes Poems

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How Will I Love Thee

So many ways to show how love should go:
A quick kiss on the neck, and upward on,
To reach those willing lips, and eyes that glow,
And slowly, flame of love rekindles soon;


Once upon my nocturne sorrow,
As I delineate the morrow,
Of a dream dazzling in the night,
But fizzled in the morning light,

The Fruit On A Higher Branch

One afternoon, along a river bank,
As I rested near a fruit laden tree,
I felt the urge to climb, feeding my glee,
Or perhaps, 'twas the wildness that I drank,


When all precepts of men fall short of mark,
And for a line to grasp, there’s none to find,
A wisp of truth among the shreds may spark,
As true of stones colliding and would grind;

How Should I Spake To Thee?

Shall my words be sweet and creamy?
Full of rainbows and sweet nothings?
Then you said, I'm fresh and dreamy,
Wishful words not worth some farthings;

Reminiscing Under A Tree

This shade that once saw love in bloom
Keeps part of me till it was lost
And now, found in my thoughts of gloom
Where lonesome pain exacts its cost

The Forgotten Glory

When man's adversity has come astride,
The saddle of his latter unsung days,
For while the erstwhile ego still does pride,
Upon the glint of half-remembered frays;

I'M Back My Love

Your calls I hear, muted by stifled tears,
Whispered as soft as rain, that leaves retain,
And now that Fate favors, our luck appears,
Perhaps to stay, bring happy days again?

Oceans Without Shores

As what my simple heart is wont to think
A journey starts when there's a place to go
We'll rightly ask, why should men toast and drink,
To quests and challenges that naught they know?


The pulse of Time that quickens in our veins,
Speaks nearness, that our lips have now attained,
More so, it augurs love's desire that reigns,
A prelude to the kiss forthwith obtained;

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