RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Love's Beginnings

Roaming earth, searching for that special someone to
hold close and dear.
Following heart's wishes to ends of earth, finding
places where birth of love's beginnings are specially

Bestowing Lifetimes

Sanctifying marriage between a man and a woman,
God bestows His blessings upon them and their
children for eternal generations of life.
Bestowing gifts and talent into their beings

Interior Metronomes

Thrilling to exquisite melodies of favorite times
in life.
Reminiscing gleefully throughout their tones, sounds
touching off flood gates of sublime anticipation.

Outlines Of Beyond

Dreaming of tomorrow's horizons, looking forward to life's
moments not yet lived.
Tracing outlines in the sand beyond, anticipating their
glorious feelings filling our souls.

Future Moments

Soul Reflecting Poems

Puzzley writing what is contained interiorly,
gripping canyons of intellect with ivy learning,
this side of consciousness.
Recognizing signs of tantamount existence with

Watching Minutes

Watching minutes roll around a clock, counting down life's
time on earth with every rotation.
Not dwelling on unconscious thoughts because they intend
to only downplay our purpose here.

Justifying Insignificance

Living alone in a nightmare of life, being depressed beyond
movement or motion, carelessly living on edges of mattresses,
too forlorn to reach out of self and help those more
unfortunate than me.

Sounds Of Energy

Waving melodies towards my mind on gentle breaths of wind,
touching realms of distinct pleasure, affording a deepened
calm of repose.
Beauty splurging from ends of delicate branches attached

Passing Earthly Borders

Fragrant blossoms spraying their bouquets to my senses,
enlivening my spirit, lifting it beyond earthly borders
for moments in time.
Singly lining up against nature's scenery as life

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